Outline of construction

A. Introduction to ITIL v 3.0

Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) framework is a format for organizing the operation of services related to Information Technology sector. ITIL is built and approved by the Ministry of Commerce British mid-1980s. ITIL associated business unit's activities, within c IT. Bringing IT services into business services generate profit. ITIL for improving the quality of IT services and reduce the long-term IT costs.

Help desk ITIL Implementation

04 ITIL implementation function is :

· To manage the problem .

· To manage the problem.

· Change Management .

· Database Management IT service configuration.

I. Incident Management

A. Qu ¸ processing problems

1.1. Determining Groundwater nh and record incidents

These problems may stem from failure or service disruption from IT or how to configure the IT equipment.

These incidents can be recorded to receive:

- From the event management system.

- From the web interface.

- From phone support requirements of customers.

- From Email of the technical personnel.

1.2. Classification of incidents

Classification of incidents is an important process in determining the source of the problem. incidents are categorized in 3 levels: Category, Type, and Item. These incidents can be specified in Section, Category, or account depending on recording incidents. These incidents are classified after are automatically distributed to the technical personnel.

1.3. distribution process automated incident

By defining templates define the problem, when an incident is recorded will be automatically distributed under the Section, Category, and Item, then transferred to personnel handling techniques.

1.4. satisfaction survey of customers

Satisfaction survey customer satisfaction, help identify and determine the ability, knowledge of the team staff and technical support. Customer support skills, comprehensive knowledge of the team contingent advanced techniques through survey results.

1.5. Classification of the extent of the problem

Problems affecting the operation of a company, an organization at different levels. Determine the level of impact, also known as the priority of the system depending on the size of the impact and the urgency of the problem. The classification of the extent of the problem allows to minimize damage to organizations and companies.

To classify the level of incidents is conducted through the means Predefined prioritization or Dynamic Prioritization .

· Predefined prioritization : commonly found in companies with large organizations, where these incidents are recorded and synthetic periodically. Predefined prioritization rules the seriousness of the incidents based on the situation happened.

· Dynamic Prioritization : mainly the technical staff to gather and evaluate directly the incident.

2. Troubleshooting

When an incident is recorded, usually it will be analyzed with the accompanying phenomena. The declaration daydu phenomena allows to identify and solve problems. The troubleshooting solutions were synthesized into a Knowledge Management knowledge management system. The collection of the knowledge management system allows less time troubleshooting when conducting searches of information in the knowledge management system.

3. The serious

The serious problem is not in the knowledge management system. usually serious incidents will be referred to higher levels of support. Cam the level of service quality Service Level Agreement to extend the processing time Management of serious incidents.

4. Solve problems common

The settlement c evil the common if not careful will impact the operations of the IT unit. will prolong troubleshooting IT wasting resources and causing fatigue with support arts.

So the construction of knowledge-management system allows us to minimize the response time troubleshooting and increased levels of customer satisfaction to customer support system.

When an incident is resolved, the troubleshooting steps must be recorded in the knowledge management system, and supervised by the process of updating the technical leader in charge of the company usually CTO.

5. end troubleshooting

End of troubleshooting is the process to ensure all incidents end solution support must be handled.

II. Managerial Issues

The problem is the set of problems have the same nature, a way of happening. problem allows management to minimize the adverse impact of incidents on business and enables root cause analysis of incidents and identify methods to permanently solve the problem completely.

A. Defining the problem

Trend analysis , identify characteristics common of a problem is key to detect the problem. The analysis helps to find problems asymptotic methods to proactively manage the problem by preventing problems that occur rather than solving problems that afterwards. Analysis of the report, the report noted these incidents help identify a problem, a trend about to appear. It should be noted the acknowledged the error report, the incident from the mistakes helps identify the targets, the type, the amount of service that IT should be added, should be improving the quality of investment.

2. Remember the problem

The recognition of the problem is recognized as essential information, noting the findings from an incident from when creating a very important issue. When initializing an incident need to maintain the relationship and updated information from the incident here.

3. Classification of issues

Classification issues are important in the fight against the ambiguity and overlap when solving a problem. When solving a problem lies in a problem, ITIL implementation system to ensure that all employees in the same group have the same problem as understanding level technical staff handled the incident.

4. level of priority issues

Based on the relationship property under one (assets task-user) at the time of the incident to determine the priority of the problem (ISO 27001:2005).

5. Analysis and assessment issues

Analyze the causes, effects and symptoms of the problem helps provide quick solutions to the problem. To tell of symptoms, a phenomenon generally most of a problem to a group of technicians to avoid to create many problems have similar problems.

6. Problem Solving

The diagnosis of the main causes of a problem help get a comprehensive solution to the problem was, and turned a problem into a shrine to the common mistakes every day.

7. At the end a problem

End or close a problem is confirmed aspects of a problem are made ​​clear by the right level of user satisfaction. When a matter is terminated, all information related to issues such as the complete solution, partial solution, or no solutions shall be recorded. At the end pointed out the problem or solution the cause does not put up with solutions.

III. Management reviews the changes

The goal of change management is the control of the approved changes to the trouble to accept.

A. Created change requests

One or more problems that may be required to change content based on a review of factors affecting business, urgency, and priority of the problem.

Plan change problem to be a comprehensive listing of information on the reasons for considering change is a problem. plan change is a problem mainly formula to begin the process of change a thing problem.

The information should be provided information to members detailing the managing process , and members of B security consultant:

· Analysis of the impact - The risks and incidents have been mentioned as a problem to change.

· Implementation Plan

· Planning recover the initial state of a problem if the plan fails to change.

· Items needed to implement plans to ensure successful change.

2. changes and Planning Advisory Committee

Plan changes are built with at least 04 different levels

· Change the criteria.

· Small changes.

· Change the primary.

· The change that matters.

2.1. Standard Change

Change the criteria for implementation of changes before the council's approval management based on management policies have provisions available.

For example, instead of desktop computers for employees in the public, RAM upgrades, new sewing uniforms.

2.2. Small Change

Small changes are changes that affect business activity at low levels, not consuming resources. Board may adopt such changes.

2.3. major change and significant change

The main changes and significant changes need to be adopted by all members of the Advisory Board and the Board. The Advisory Board CAB members are identified from relevant stakeholder parties who bear directly affected by the change. Based on the plan change and the impact of risk, the Advisory Board members will decide to vote to accept the change or cancellation of a problem.

Advisory Committee may be technical Advisory Committee, Finance Advisory Committee , ...

The Advisory Committee members could meet two times a week, or 1 time a month to discuss uniform changes.

3. Forward schedule changes

All changes have been accepted should be conducted with the interruption time related services are the lowest.

Based on the steps of the plan change is a problem, the schedule change was made. timetable for implementation will inform all the time a particular service will be deactivated and the time to restore service.

4. To change

When a change is approved an issue of implementation, all the steps, the tasks in that process are implemented by monitoring and recording. Moderators can assign work to technical staff, in monitoring the implementation schedule, and the status of supplementary aids are made.

5. Evaluation of the implementation of the change

Set of problems arise that happened in the change process

Track Key Performance Indicator to measure the effectiveness of the change .

Key Performance Indicator: Determine efficiency through quality, efficiency, compliance procedures, and values.

6. Compliance Monitoring

Monitoring compliance is the process steps noted the change of a problem. To follow up compliance for documentation, maintenance documentation has high visibility on the change issue his subject.


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