Sure this nothing earth shattering but it’s just something simple that can make your life easier. With a web browser and some links that I will provide below you can view some of the vSphere configuration files and messages from logs. This is probably the fastest way to get a view into your host with out having to SSH into the server or use another method. This method works for both vSphere 4.0 and 4.1 hosts and it works on both ESX and ESXi hosts.
You can view the VMware vSphere Configuration files from a browser using a link formatted like the following. https://hostname/host From that link you will need to authenticate to your host and then will be able to view a list of files from the host. In the list of files presented with be configuration files and some logs.
There is another page viewable with a web browser that will show you log messages from your ESX or ESXi host. Use the following syntax for the link. https://hostname/host/messages
About Brian
Brian is a Technical Architect for a VMware partner and owner of this website. He is active in the VMware community and helps lead the Chicago VMUG group. Specializing in VDI and Cloud project designs. Awarded VMware vExpert status for 2012 & 2011. VCP3, VCP5, VCA-DT, VCP5-DT, Cisco UCS Design
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